Growth Exhibition 15.05 - 23.05.21 // A collaboration with OmVed Gardens and Thrown Contemporary

"The natural world growing around us, the constant ebb and flow of plants reacting to the seasons, at a pace invisible to our busy lives. And of course our own emotional growth, an inward personal journey which may not be visible to the outside world – and sometimes even, yet, ourselves."

Claire Pearce, curator of exhibition and director of Thrown Contemporary.

It is a pleasure to be collaborating again with OmVed Gardens and Thrown Contemporary again for their 2021 Exhibition "Growth" as part of The Chelsea Fringe. Following ongoing hardships and uncertainties this exhibition looks at the weathering and points of direct friction as we face each other, ourselves and society moving forward.

My "Flipside Gardens: Spring / Autumn" and "Summer / Winter" (which together illustrate the garden year) are now on display at Growth exhibition alongside creation of new floral vessel "Gatekeeper" which sees my flowers move from inside to outside of the vessel, to become the whole arrangement.

To view the exhibition online visit Growth Exhibition